In this course I’ll be taking a deeper dive on how to get on TV, with exercises, individual feedback from your peers and of course, some etiquette that will help you land your spot.

You'll get booked, have interview requests start to fill your inbox and you'll get to witness your business skyrocket.

This challenge is for you if…
  • You’re great at what you do and people need your service or knowledge but no one knows about you
  • You've been trying to get on TV but you're hearing crickets 
  • You know that TV is the best way to get attention for your business, but you simply don't know how to do it.
At the end of this 14-day challenge you’ll…

  • Be able to hone in on your specific areas of expertise and to fit your brand and image 
  • Develop an unforgettable brand and voice that grows your audience and keeps them coming back 
  • Learn how to find producers and get in touch with them 
  • Make the best investment possible for your business

You're only 14 days away from getting booked and becoming a name and brand that everyone is going to know 

Take over your industry today using the power of television in your favor.

ONLY $495

Select a pricing plan and sign up